The Morning Star's NWO
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In this first paragraph, I should introduce myself-
I am Ali Mummit the Morning Star,
my business is my lifestyle,
my club is called "Pools of Blood",
and my reason for building a Web site is to meet others like me, who share the same intrest of the wiccans.
I say, ,"that's a sucky way to start!"

Click to sign my good guest book





Listed Site Updates
Recent updates to my site so that visitors, especially return visitors, can check out the new stuff first.

3/25/03   Added Guest Book to sign on page.
3/25/03   Added a chat room for the season.
3/25/03   Added personal webring.

I should also state, I'm in the making of merging with a Vampire the Masqurade meeting groups.

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~Page by Morningstar~

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I will be †he One!!!
One day, I'll be †he s†rongest magician †hat ever lived... I'll be soo s†rong, I'll even s†op death, & snare the sences of man-kind...
